Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rockin' and Rollin'

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Tibetan region of China on Wednesday. CNN reported that about 15,000 homes were brought down in the Yushu County of the Qinghai province, and more than 100,00 people have evacuated the area.

On Saturday, the Dalai Lama offered words of comfort, and even though he is too far separated to be there, he wanted the people of the area to know that he is praying for them. The Dalai Lama has been in exile since 1959, after a Tibetan rebellion against China was attempted. He appealed to governments so that he may be able to offer support and assistance, CNN reported.

I think that in times of crises, it is important for countries and regions to come together and help those who are affected. It is devastating to me to know that there are so many that have lost everything and yet little aid is being given to them.

Take the earthquake in Haiti that happened almost a month ago. You can turn on the TV and still see commercials requesting donations and other aid. Even college campuses put together care packages to send to those in need.

But soon after the earthquake faded from the news, Chili was hit by an equally strong quake that also triggered a tsunami. Yet this quake was virtually ignored by the media, and I challenge you to find commercials seeking aid for these people.

Now China has been hit by yet another quake that has displaced thousands, and has killed almost 1500. It is good that at least some powerful leaders are stepping up to help those in need, and we should all be more aware of what is happening in the world.

photos from and respectively

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