Friday, January 22, 2010

China Under Cyber Attack?

Chinese laws control Internet usage all over the country; one of the largest one being that Internet hacking and violation of privacy is forbidden. In this month alone, two Chinese bureaus of news organizations have claimed to have had their Google e-mail accounts attacked.

According to a CNN article on January 22, China is saying that the United States is weakening the relationship between the countries. The article also says that Google has threatened to pull out of China. “The Chinese government has said,” according to CNN, “that the Google case is a business dispute and should not affect relations between the two countries.”

I think that the Chinese government is right in saying that it is a problem between businesses, and should not affect the relationship between the U.S. and China. There is a need for considerable concern over what is happening. I think that not only does the alleged reports of hacking violate the Chinese laws, it also calls into question the amount of security that Google has placed on their accounts. It will be interesting to see if Google changes it’s security protocol, even if it is only for their international business accounts to protect individuals, and companies from any more attacks.

Click here to see the article from CNN.

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