Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tsunami Hit Japan

After the 8.8 earthquake happened in Chile, communities all over the Pacific Coast we under a tsunami advisory warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center ( Japan's costal residents immediately began to evacuate and head for higher ground.

According to CNN, Japan was fearing the worst tsunami in 15 years. The government and residents were relieved when the waves only peaked at just under 4 feet (1.2 meters). There were no injuries or damaged caused buy the tidal surge.

CNN also reported that in 1960 another earthquake hit Chile, but the tsunami that reached Japan left 140 people dead.

Tsunami warnings were canceled early this morning for the entire Pacific region. Hawaii also got lower than expected waves and the Governor canceled the warning just before 2 PM on Feb 27th, according to CNN.

Long Beach, California had an odd phenomenon where the tide went from hight to low in 10 minutes, according to ABC 7 News.

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