Sunday, March 7, 2010

Free School, Special Treatment

CNN reported the other day about China’s first government run school for autistic children. Guangzhou’s Cana School is the first of it’s kind in China. There are about 100 kids currently attending and more than a thousand on the waiting list. With a teacher ratio of 2:1, the students each have an individual education plan that is tailored to fit their needs. It is a free, full day program that is open to children between the ages of 7 and 14 years old.

I think that it is important for governments, not only in China, to develop programs for children with special needs. Besides opening jobs for teachers, it allows the children opportunities they may not have if they were taught at home or in a regular school. To have a free program that is tailored to each individual child is especially nice because it allows the child to advance at their own rate and not get left behind in a broader lesson plan.

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